Login user server

This is a project to build a RESTful services with Node, Express and MySQL with authentication and authorization.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • Login or sign up (POST, CREATE)
  • Update his personnal information (UPDATE)
  • Add a profil picture (POST)
  • Preview all modification
  • Logout


My process

Built with

  • Node
  • Express
  • MySQL

What I learned

  • Connect a database with MySQL
  • CRUD operations
  • Create an API
  • Build and Structure MVC Application
  • Create my own middleware
  • Authenticating Users with JWT
  • Protecting routes with an authorization middleware
  • Save image as blob in database (using file-type)
  • Secure applications with environment variable
  • Data validation with Joi
  • Encrypt a password with bcrypt
  • Deploy a database and a server to production
