- 2
JVM crashed on MetricFamilySamples.<init)
#1220 opened by roy-20230331 - 2
Change in dependency visibility in a patch change
#1219 opened by jack-berg - 5
- 1
Client migration from 0.15.0 to 1.2.1
#1207 opened by a-dudko - 8
[prometheus-metrics-instrumentation-caffeine] Cannot register multiple Caffeine cache
#1174 opened by kaustubhDsarathi - 20
`IllegalAccessError` thrown when calling `name` method of Counter and Gauge metric
#1172 opened by jgagnon44 - 9
Breaking change introduced in 1.3.2
#1189 opened by jonatan-ivanov - 0
`ConcurrentModificationException` rarely occurs when creating `PrometheusProperties`
#1168 opened by ikhoon - 6
- 3
- 0
[Feature] add ability to execute handlers wrapped a Subject doAs from a custom authenticator
#1088 opened by gtully - 0
opentelemetry-exporter does not consider resource attributes set via env var
#984 opened by clawoflight - 9
logback instrumentation module for 1.X
#1091 opened by lesiak - 2
- 1
- 1
ExpositionFormats should be optional
#1087 opened by turneand - 0
HistogramTest.testExemplarsClassicHistogram() is flaky
#1084 opened by mimaison - 0
- 6
- 4
- 0
- 0
StatefulMetric clear() invocation causes noLabels increase to stop reporting on collect()
#971 opened by iaco86 - 0
- 4
Which is the Java 17 supported version ?
#909 opened by Shalaka1197 - 2
info required for compatible version with openjdk21
#965 opened by sahil3390 - 0
UnknownDataPointSnapshot constructor ignores labels
#976 opened by mimaison - 0
Integrating Native Histograms with Spring 2.7.x and Prometheus client_java 1.3.1: Challenges in Writing Native Histograms to Response Object
#973 opened by kiransunkari - 1
- 3
[httpserver exporter] No option to specify a wait time for ongoing requests when closing the server
#938 opened by nicu-da - 3
- 1
Filter parameter causes HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request
#957 opened by bob-tee - 0
Flaky test - SlidingWindowTest
#956 opened by dhoard - 0
log4j2 instrumentation support for 1.X?
#954 opened by cah-jad-baz - 4
Failing while building simpleclient_httpserver version parent-0.15.0 using mvn clean install
#953 opened by shivsrivastava - 4
- 2
Stress test failure in DropwizardExportsTest
#944 opened by dhoard - 1
Stress test failure in SlidingWindowTest
#945 opened by dhoard - 1
Explicit Exception for Duplicate Labels during Scrape
#942 opened by fstab - 0
- 1
StatefulMetric.clear() is not implemented
#917 opened by thefallentree - 2
Promethus Core Counter and Gauge Query
#920 opened by rinkigoyal - 0
Publish a BOM again
#931 opened by shakuzen - 1
- 1
Endpoint actuator/prometheus not working on macOS
#928 opened by Rohlend1 - 1
- 6
Implement UTF8 Support
#916 opened by ywwg - 0
The problem of java17 and Springboot3 use the doGet method in client_java.
#910 opened by ValarMorghulisMaiDou - 0
Upgrade Java Unit Tests to JUnit5
#907 opened by 0x006EA1E5 - 2
- 2
instrumentation-jmv - builders miss build() method
#904 opened by zorba128