
Tool to determine GitHub Pull Requests merged between two given commit hashes, branches, or tags.

Primary LanguageGo


merged-prs is a go tool to assist in determining differences between git hashes based upon the GitHub PR as the vehicle for change.


  • Go 1.12 (lower may work)
  • Dep
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Slack (optional)


  • Built in Go
  • Given a set of git hashes, a list of merged GitHub Pull Requests will be retrieved and parsed.
  • List will be output to console containing the PR #, Author, Summary, and a link to the PR
  • If Slack credentials are configured, a notification will be sent to the channel of your choosing (from config, or override)


A .merged-prs configuration file must be created in your $HOME directory. This configuration uses HashiCorp's HCLSyntax. Using the example configuration below create a file in ~/.merged-prs

Example Config

// GitHub Personal Access Token && Org/Username required for use.
GitHub {
    Token = "foo"
    Org   = "promiseofcake"

// Optional config for Slack notifications
Slack {
    WebhookURL = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/foo/bar/baz"
    Channel    = "@lucas"
    Emoji      = ":shipit:"


In order to use the merged-prs tool one should use go get

go get github.com/promiseofcake/merged-prs


Calling the merged-prs tool will act in the current directory's context.


# Runtime Flags
  -path       <Specify path to repo in order to use outside the context of a repo>
  -dev=false  <Ignore the git-flow dev branch paradigm (loose comparison "...")>
  -test       <Do not notify Slack, only output to console>
  -c          <Override default slack notification channel>


# merged-prs [-test] [-c @lucas] [-dev=false] [-path /path/to/repo] [Previous Git Hash] [Current Git Hash]
# User should specify the older revision first ie. merging `dev` into `master` would necessitate that `master` is the older commit, and `dev` is the newer

$ merged-prs master dev
Determining merged branches between the following hashes: master dev

REPO: Merged GitHub PRs between the following refs: master dev
PR   Author    Description              URL
#55  @lucas    Typo 100 vs 1000         http://github.com/promiseofcake/foo/pull/55
#54  @lucas    LRU Cache Store Results  http://github.com/promiseofcake/foo/pull/54