Learn best practices to build an API using Ruby on Rails 5/6. The intention with this book it’s not only to teach you how to build an API with Rails. The purpose is also to teach you how to build scalable and maintainable API with Rails which means improve your current Rails knowledge. In this book you will learn to:
- Build JSON responses
- Use Git for version controlling
- Testing your endpoints
- Optimize and cache the API
This book is based on "APIs on Rails: Building REST APIs with Rails". It was initially published in 2014 by Abraham Kuri. Since the original work was not maintained, I wanted to update this excellent work. All the source code of this book is available in Asciidoctor format on this repository. So don’t hesitate to fork the project if you want to improve it or fix a mistake that I didn’t notice.
Update & translation of the API on Rails (EN) book. This book is written using Asciidoctor.
As you may know this project take me some times. So if you want to support me you can buy a version on Leanpub:
- Rails 5
- Rails 6
Or you can support me with Liberapay:
$ git clone https://github.com/madeindjs/api_on_rails/
$ cd api_on_rails
$ bundle install
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You can see all build available with rake -T
$ rake -T
rake "build:all[version,lang]" # Build all versions
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This book is under MIT license and Creative Common BY-SA 4.0
- Oscar Téllez (spanish translation)