
Ruby package for Prompt API's Whois API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Ruby Gem Version Build Status

Prompt API - Whois API - Ruby Package

whois_rb is a simple ruby wrapper for whois-api.


  1. You need to signup for Prompt API
  2. You need to subscribe whois-api, test drive is free!!!
  3. You need to set PROMPTAPI_TOKEN environment variable after subscription.


$ gem install whois_rb

or; install from GitHub:

$ gem install whois_rb --version "0.1.0" --source "https://rubygems.pkg.github.com/promptapi"

Example Usage

Check domain examples:

require 'whois_rb'

result = WhoisRb::check('promptapi.com')
# => {:result=>"registered"}

result = WhoisRb::check('promptapi.com', timeout=20)
# => {:result=>"registered"}

result = WhoisRb::check('foo')
# => {:error=>"Not a valid domain name"}

result = WhoisRb::check('promptapi123456.com')
# => {:result=>"available"}

Query domain examples:

require 'whois_rb'

result = WhoisRb::query('foo')
# => {:error=>"Not a valid domain name"}

result = WhoisRb::query('promptapi.com')
# => {
        :registrar=>"NameCheap, Inc.", 
        :updated_date=>"2020-05-27 22:19:36", 
        :creation_date=>"2020-04-19 15:11:52", 
        :expiration_date=>"2021-04-19 15:11:52", 
        :status=>"clientTransferProhibited https://icann.org/epp#clientTransferProhibited", 

result = WhoisRb::query('promptapi1234.com')
# => {:error=>"No match for promptapi1234.com"}


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org

$ rake -T

rake build            # Build whois_rb-0.0.0.gem into the pkg directory
rake bump[revision]   # Bump version
rake clean            # Remove any temporary products
rake clobber          # Remove any generated files
rake install          # Build and install whois_rb-0.0.0.gem into system gems
rake install:local    # Build and install whois_rb-0.0.0.gem into system gems without network access
rake push_to_github   # Push whois_rb-0.0.0.gem to GitHub registry
rake release[remote]  # Create tag v0.0.0 and build and push whois_rb-0.0.0.gem to rubygems.org
rake test             # Run tests


This project is licensed under MIT



Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub:

  1. fork (https://github.com/promptapi/whois_rb/fork)
  2. Create your branch (git checkout -b my-feature)
  3. commit yours (git commit -am 'Add awesome features...')
  4. push your branch (git push origin my-feature)
  5. Than create a new Pull Request!

This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.