
Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Exquisite Corpse is a collaborative, socially transmissible NFT. Inspired by the surrealist drawing technique, this NFT adaptation turns sequential contributions into a combined image, using the blockchain to orchestrate a viral collaborative artwork. Exquisite Corpse uses a Prompt smart contract, which extends the ERC-721 standard enabling time-bound, verifiable, and collaborative authorship.

Prompt contracts include several deployment parameters, duration, max supply, creation limit per account, as well as an allowlist function, which controls who can initiate a session and how collaborators may be added. The contract deployer is the first address in the allowlist. So, it should invite other addresses by adding them as contributors to prompt sessions.


  1. Install the long-term support version of nodejs (16.10.0 at the time of writing).

  2. Install yarn

npm install -g yarn

Installation and Running

1. Download

git clone git@github.com:prompts-studio/prompts-sol.git
cd prompts-sol

2. Build


3. Test

# Compile and run on local Hardhat network
yarn test ./test/prompt.test.js

# Run static Solidity analyzer https://github.com/crytic/slither
slither .


1. Configure

Create an .env file in the root directory and add these variables:


2. Deploy

Commands below run scripts/deploy.ts for picking the contracts to be deployed, and hardhat.config.js for picking the network to deploy.

⚠️ Make sure you control the FEE_ADDRESS and PRIVATE_KEY for the deployed network in .env file.

# Deploy to local Hardhat network
yarn deploy

# Deploy to Avalanche Fuji testnet
yarn deploy --network fuji

# Deploy to Goerli testnet
yarn deploy --network goerli

# Deploy to Ethereum mainnet
yarn deploy --network mainnet

3. Verify contract on Explorer (Etherscan, Snowtrace, Polygonscan)

# 1. Update CONTRACT_ADDRESS in .env

# GOERLI 0xA2dDe6Aa49838a3ef239e46a4a52d7e0E139556B
# MAINNET 0x18B99AC678c01C1511F818F58Af636920D7ffdD6

# 2. Make sure arguements.ts and deploy parameters match

# 3. Verify contract

# Verify on Snowtrace (Fuji)
npx hardhat verify --network fuji --constructor-args arguments.ts 0x3B72c90EA674706ab80E0D37F41fFac692ff55D9 --show-stack-traces

# Verify on Etherscan (Goerli)
npx hardhat verify --network goerli --constructor-args arguments.ts 0xA2dDe6Aa49838a3ef239e46a4a52d7e0E139556B --show-stack-traces

# Verify on Etherscan (Mainnet)
npx hardhat verify --network mainnet --constructor-args arguments.ts 0x18B99AC678c01C1511F818F58Af636920D7ffdD6 --show-stack-traces

Verification troubleshoot

If the contract was recently deployed it may not propagated to the backend yet. Try waiting for a minute before verifying your contract.

# Clear the cache and delete the artifacts
npx hardhat clean

# Make sure you have latest hardhat-etherscan plugin
yarn upgrade @nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan --latest