
Rabo Smart Pay driver for the WordPress payment processing library.

Primary LanguagePHP

Pronamic Pay → Gateway → Rabo Smart Pay

Pronamic Pay → Gateway → Rabo Smart Pay

Rabo Smart Pay driver for the WordPress payment processing library.

Table of contents


GitHub Stars Build Status Coverage Status Latest Stable Version PHP from Packagist Total Downloads Packagist Pre Release License Built with Grunt Scrutinizer Code Quality Code Coverage Build Status Code Intelligence Status Maintainability Test Coverage CircleCI FOSSA Status

WordPress Filters


add_filter( 'pronamic_pay_omnikassa_2_request_args', function( $args ) {
	$args['timeout'] = 3600;

	return $args;
} );


add_filter( 'pronamic_pay_omnikassa_2_merchant_return_url', function( $url ) {
	$url = 'https://example.com/';

	return $url;
} );


Request Response Status Code Code Property Message
gatekeeper/refresh HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized 5001 errorMessage Full authentication is required to access this resource
order/server/api/order HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden 5001 consumerMessage The timestamp of the order announcement is invalid
order/server/api/order HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity 5017 consumerMessage merchantOrderId is required
order/server/api/order HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity 5017 consumerMessage merchantReturnURL is required
order/server/api/order HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity 5017 consumerMessage currency required and should be one of: [AUD, CAD, CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP, JPY, NOK, SEK, USD]
order/server/api/order HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity 5017 consumerMessage order amount must be greater than zero

Simulate Requests


curl --request GET https://betalen.rabobank.nl/omnikassa-api/gatekeeper/refresh \
	--header "Authorization: Bearer __refresh_token__" \
	--connect-timeout 5 \
	--max-time 5 \
	--user-agent "WordPress/4.9.8; https://example.com/" \


curl --request POST https://betalen.rabobank.nl/omnikassa-api-sandbox/order/server/api/order \
	--header "Authorization: Bearer __refresh_token__" \
	--connect-timeout 5 \
	--max-time 5 \
	--user-agent "WordPress/4.9.8; https://example.com/" \


curl --request POST "https://example.com/wp-json/pronamic-pay/omnikassa-2/v1/webhook" \
	--data-binary "@tests/json/notification.json" \
	--user-agent "Java/1.8.0" \
http POST https://example.com/wp-json/pronamic-pay/omnikassa-2/v1/webhook @tests/json/notification.json User-Agent:Java/1.8.0


curl --request GET https://betalen.rabobank.nl/omnikassa-api-sandbox/order/server/api/events/results/merchant.order.status.changed \
	--header "Authorization: Bearer __refresh_token__" \
	--connect-timeout 5 \
	--max-time 5 \
	--user-agent "WordPress/4.9.8; https://example.com/" \
curl --request GET https://betalen.rabobank.nl/omnikassa-api/order/server/api/events/results/merchant.order.status.changed \
	--header "Authorization: Bearer __refresh_token__" \
	--connect-timeout 5 \
	--max-time 5 \
	--user-agent "WordPress/4.9.8; https://example.com/" \


The Pronamic Pay OmniKassa 2.0 gateway can handle OmniKassa 2.0 notifications via the WordPress REST API.

Route: /wp-json/pronamic-pay/omnikassa-2/v1/webhook

The WordPress REST API OmniKassa 2.0 webhook can be tested with for example cURL, see for an example the Simulate Requests section.

In principle it is not possible to view this REST API endpoint via your web browser because it is a HTTP POST method only endpoint. However, the WordPress REST API has the option to override the HTTP method via the _method parameter.




FOSSA Status