
This is an educational repository with simplest Servlet Container

Primary LanguageJava

For educational purpose only

This is a very simple implementation of Servlet container.

To run using IDE:

Dependencies: IDE with maven, JDK 15

  1. Open project in your IDE
  2. Run edu.servletcontainer.binarycat.Main class

To run using docker:

Dependencies: docker

  1. Place .war file to 'deploy' folder
  2. Install docker if you don't have it
  3. Build application: docker run -it --rm --name binary-cat --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v ~/.m2/repository:/tmp/.m2/repository -v $(pwd):/usr/src/binary-cat -w /usr/src/binary-cat maven:3.6.3-openjdk-15 mvn clean package -Dmaven.repo.local=/tmp/.m2/repository
  4. Build docker image: docker build -t binary-cat .
  5. Run docker container: docker run -it --rm --cpus=1 --memory=64m -p 8080:8080 binary-cat
  6. Use your browser or curl to invoke servlet from your .war file. Servlet container is listening on port 8080.


  1. Look at the code and understand what it does.
  2. The code is as simple and straightforward as it could be. It has a bugs, spaghetti code, wrong exceptions handling, code duplicates, and etc. Find them and fix them.
  3. As you may see, Binary Cat does not cover all Servlet specification :-) Improve it.


There is a todo branch with some recommendations for assignments.