Maturity : alpha
CakeSpec is a tool to get a CakePHP Project up and running fast using an application specification file written in JSON format.
CakeSpec can...
- Pull CakePHP and plugins from git.
- Configure filesystem permissions
- Create PHP classes
- Set configuration variables
- Create your configuration files
- databases.php
- core.php
- routes.php
- run bake commands
- and much more.
To use the tool you will need to first create a cakespec file in JSON format. In this stage of development, the spec files structure may change slightly before reach beta. You can get a sneak peak of a spec file by looking in the tests/data directory.
cakespec /path/to/specfile.cakespec
Help and more command line options:
cakespec --help
git clone /usr/share/cakespec
ln -s /usr/share/cakespec /usr/bin/cakespec
CakeSpec is Open Source Software created and managed by PRONIQUE Software.