Task Management System

Live Link

Visit the live version of the Task Management System: Task Management System Live


This is a task management system built with React.js, providing a responsive design and user-friendly functionalities. The application allows users to efficiently manage tasks with features like task creation, drag-and-drop functionality, and user authentication.


  • Responsive Design: Ensures a seamless experience across devices – phones, tablets, and PCs.

  • Landing Page:

    • Simple navbar with clickable routes.
    • "Let’s Explore" button redirects to the login page.
    • After login, users access the task management dashboard.
  • Task Management Dashboard:

    • Users can create new tasks with titles, descriptions, deadlines, and priority levels.
    • Drag-and-drop functionality for organizing tasks into to-do, ongoing, and completed lists.
    • React hook form for task creation.
    • Users can delete tasks.
    • User profiles with profile pictures and personal task details.
  • User Authentication:

    • Login, register, and logout functionalities.
    • Google sign-in and another login system implemented.
    • Only logged-in users can access the task management dashboard.
  • Additional Features:

    • Notifications using toast notifications for task assignments, updates, and deadlines.
    • Task editing functionality for users to edit and save task details.


  1. Clone the repository.
    git clone https://github.com/your-username/task-management-system.git
  2. cd task-management-system
  3. npm install
  4. npm run dev