
Parse chat logs into structured data

Primary LanguagePython


Parses chat logs into structured data.

Supported log formats

  • irssi
  • HexChat
  • WhatsApp (iOS and Android exports)
  • Telegram (JSON exports from Telegram Desktop)
  • nda

Media attachments

WhatsApp media attachments (like images) are supported. Export your chat with the "attach media" option and quote-importer will attempt to read attachments from the same folder as the log file itself.

Telegram media attachments are supported. Media will be read correctly if the directory structure that the export produces is left as-is.

Supported storage systems

  • SQLite
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB (without attachments due to document size constraints)
  • JSON file (slow)


First install Python 3 and pipenv, then run

pipenv install --dev --three
pipenv shell

then in the virtualenv shell, run something like



  • LOG_TYPE Input format; can be irssi, hexchat, whatsapp, telegram or nda
  • CHANNEL_NAME Channel or group name, e.g. #mychannel
  • LOG_FILENAME Path to the log file to read.


  • --writer {sqlite, mysql, json, mongo, none} (default: none, i.e. a no-op/dry run) Output format; most credentials currently hardcoded in app.py
  • --utc-offset [number] (default: 0) UTC offset in hours to assume when reading logs
  • --you [string] (default: You) irssi and WhatsApp refer to the author of the logs by "you", which is not helpful; this option substitutes "you" when reading logs
  • --dates {standard,american} (default: standard) Date format to assume when reading WhatsApp logs; WhatsApp uses either day/month/year (standard) or month/day/year (American) for its dates, depending on device
  • --skip-lines [number] (default: 0) Skip processing lines of the file
  • --no-attachments (default: false, i.e. read attachments from the log file folder) Don't read WhatsApp/Telegram media attachments; the messages will still be read
  • --database [string] (default: quotes) Database name if using the MySQL, PostgreSQL or MongoDB writers
  • --mysql-user [string] (default: root) User if using the MySQL writer
  • --mysql-password [string] (default: no password) Password if using the MySQL writer
  • --postgres-user [string] (default: postgres) User if using the PostgreSQL writer
  • --postgres-password [string] (default: no password) Password if using the PostgreSQL writer


Run pytest in the virtualenv.