
[deprecated] ZF 2 Module for ProophEventStore. Use:

Primary LanguagePHPBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


[deprecated] Zend Framework 2 Module for ProophEventStore This module only support ProophEventStore <= 2.x. If you want to use PES v3+ with ZF2 then checkout proophessor

Build Status Coverage Status


You can install ProophEventStoreModule via composer by adding "prooph/prooph-event-store-module": "~2.0" as requirement to your composer.json.

Post installation

Enabling it in your application.config.phpfile.

return array(
    'modules' => array(
        // ...
    // ...


DB Configuration

Copy the prooph.eventstore.db.local.php to your config/autoload directory and adjust the config to meet your needs. This config has the .local.php cause it requests you to configure a database connection (if you do not use the application wide configured Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter) and should not be included in version control.

EventStore Configuration

Copy the prooph.eventstore.global.php to your config/autoload directory and adjust the config to meet your needs.

Retrieve ProophEventStore

The ProophEventStore can be retrieved from ServiceManager by using the alias prooph.event_store

$eventStore = $services->get('prooph.event_store');