
Microservice to fetch and serve fun facts about prooph repositories

Primary LanguagePHPBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

prooph fun facts

prooph/micro service to fetch aggregated fun facts about prooph from packagist and gitter.

Installation / Usage

A php script fetches data from packagist and gitter api. The script is only accessible from the command line. It uses guzzle which needs to be installed with composer:

docker run -v $(pwd)/service/stats-collector:/app --rm prooph/composer:7.1 install

The Gitter API requires authentication. Sign in at https://developer.gitter.im and find your personal access token. Copy and rename the app.env.dist file to app.env and set your personal access token as GITTER_AUTH_TOKEN.

That's it. You can run docker-compose up -d now and fetch the fun facts:

docker-compose run stats-collector php bin/gather-stats.php

The result of the command is written to a static file: service/fun-facts/data/fun_facts.json. This file is then served by Nginx. You can access it using the url: http://localhost/api/v1/fun_facts.json