
a command-line utility for syncing workouts from Endomondo to HeiaHeia and Kilometrikisa

Primary LanguageClojure


a command-line utility for syncing workouts from Endomondo to HeiaHeia and Kilometrikisa


The utility asks you to provide credentials to all services it needs to have access to. They are stored locally and sent only to these services using HTTPS connection. But, when given, they are stored in plain text in ~/.hh-sync folder. Make sure you keep these files safe.

Good to know

  • You can run syncing in interactive mode using --interactive flag. When provided, you will be asked to confirm syncing of every workout detected to be new.

  • By default, the untility searches new workouts only within a window of last 20 workouts. You can change that behaviour by giving --depth option.


  • Download the hh-sync script
  • Place it on your $PATH where your shell can find it (eg. ~/bin)
  • Set it to be executable (chmod a+x ~/bin/lein)
  • Run it (hh-sync) and it will download the self-install package


  1. Checkout sources
  2. Build with lein uberjar


Configure the CLI tool

hh-sync --configure

Sync workouts

hh-sync --sync

Upgrading hh-sync

To upgrade to the latest version run:

hh-sync upgrade


Copyright © 2016 Pavel Prokopenko

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.