
UITableView/UICollectionView generic controller framework

Primary LanguageSwift

Travis Platform Swift Carthage MIT License

#Propeller Controller

The goal of this framework is to allow you to move as much of your table/collection controller content off into a static var elsewhere, to remove clutter, reduce state, and increase code clairity. Read the full documentation Swift generated using Jazzy.



github "propellerlabs/PropellerController"


Cocoapods will come soon, faster if there is a demand for it.

Swift Package Manager

Unfortunately because of this library's dependency on UIKit it is currently impossible to support SPM.


1. Create a static var somewhere to configure your controller

struct TableController {
    static var nameSelection: (UITableView) -> GeneralTableController<NameCell, NameData> = { table in
        let controller = GeneralTableController<NameCell, NameData>()
        controller.tableView = table
        controller.willDisplayCell = { cell, data, iPath in
            cell.name = data.first
            cell.location = "row:" + iPath.row
        return controller

2. Define it in your view controller!

final class PeopleViewController: UIViewController {
    @IBOutlet tableView: UITableView!
    var dataSource: [NameData]()
    lazy var tableController: GeneralTableController<NameCell, NameData> = {
        let controller = TableController.nameSelection(self.tableView)

        //add VC related configurations that can't be static
        tableController.didSelectCell = { [weak self] _, _, path in 
            self?.selected(indexPath: path)
    func selected(indexPath: IndexPath) {
        print("row \(indexPath.row) was selected!"

3. Link to view controller methods or parameters where necessary

Define VC specific didSelectCell function

tableController.didSelectCell = { [weak self] _, _, path in 
    self?.selected(indexPath: path)

Set the controller data source with setDataSource(dataSource) which takes in an Array<DataType> or Array<Array<DataType>>.

var sectionedDataSource: [[DataType]]

var dataSource = [DataType]

For UICollectionView we have you covered, just use GeneralCollectionController instead.

4. You can have multiple cell types on one controller!

see example project

  • Same process as before with ofCell function for extra cells:
struct TableController {
    typealias NameTableType = GeneralTableController<NameCell, NameData>
    static var nameTableController: (UITableView) -> NameTableType = { table in
        let controller = NameTableType()
        controller.tableView = table
        controller.setDataSource(testNames + testNames)
        //which cell to choose
        controller.cellTypeForIndexData = { data, iPath in
            switch iPath.row % 3 {
            case 1: return NameTwoCell.self
            case 2: return NameAgainCell.self
            default: return NameCell.self
        //cell 1
        controller.willDisplayCell = { cell, data, _ in
            cell.nameLabel.text = data.first

        //cell 2
        controller.ofCell(type: NameTwoCell.self)
            .willDisplayCell = { cell, data, _ in
                cell.nameTwoLabel.text = data.first
                cell.backgroundColor = .orange
        //cell 3
        controller.ofCell(type: NameAgainCell.self, 
                          cellTypeOption: .xibManual("NameCellB")))
            .willDisplayCell = { cell, data, _ in
                cell.nameAgainLabel.text = data.first
                cell.backgroundColor = .orange
        return controller

5. Want to handle multiple selections?

We got you covered with GeneralMultiSelectionTableController

  • We configure it the same way:
struct TableController {
    static let sampleData = ["Item one", "Item two"]
    static var nameMultiSelection: (UITableView) -> GeneralMultiSelectionTableController<NameCell, String> = { table in
        let controller = GeneralMultiSelectionTableController<NameCell, String>()
        controller.tableView = table
        return controller
  • Except now we can get a Set of all of the selected Hashable DataType for selected cells:
    let seletedNames = TableNameController.selectionSource
    for name in selectedNames {
        print("\(name) was selected!")