ShodanCPP is a C++ library for accessing the Shodan API.
Cloning a repository with submodules:
git clone --recursive
git submodule update --init --recursive
Usage example:
//Print information about the API plan.
ShodanClient cl;
cl.SetAPIKey("insert api key here");
std::cout << cl.GetAPIInfo() << "\n";
//Print the number of devices that have the string "webcam" in their banner
rapidjson::Document doc;
std::cout << doc["total"].GetInt() << "\n";
curl (
rapidjson (
string_view_lite (
The repository contains a solution for Visual Studio 2019 and CMakeLists.txt, in case you want to use a different IDE. The library was tested only on Windows, but apparently it works on linux too (if you find the curl library yourself).