
This repository has the server-side source code of ProReveal. Note that you can try ProReveal without a server (i.e., with a browser computation engine). However, with a server, you can save and restore an analysis session, access to the session through multiple devices (e.g., we have interfaces for desktops and mobile phones), load a remote dataset (e.g., one on Amazon S3), and use a distributed computing engine for more scalability.


We strongly recommend using Anaconda since the server is developed and tested using Anaconda 4.5 with Python 3.6.5. The following packages of compatible versions must be installed:


After installing dependencies and cloning this repository, you can run a standalone server as follows:

python [config_file]

Or, you can run the server with an Apache Spark cluster as follows:

spark-submit [spark_options] [config_file]


A configuration file describes an engine type (local or spark) and the location of a dataset. Here is an example (local.cfg):


This configuration file uses pandas for computation (type=local). When the server starts up, it first looks for a metadata file in the given dataset directory (i.e., data/movies/metadata.json). In this case, the dataset we are using (i.e., data/movies) consists of a single JSON file, so you must describe the number of rows that you want to process in each iteration (i.e., 100). If the dataset is already chunked and consists of multiple batches, each batch is processed one by one. In this case, you cannot set sample_rows. See an example of using a chunked dataset.

Here is another example configuration file for working with a Spark cluster.

dataset=hdfs://<hdfs ip>/<dataset path>

Note that we set type to spark and dataset as a path to a remote dataset.

If eager is set to True, the server caches (e.g., by calling df.cache()) all datasets when initialized.

If shuffle is set to True, the server randomizes the processing order of batches for each query.

Datasets and metadata.json

A dataset is a directory in which metadata.json exists. Here is metadata.json of a sample dataset with a single source:

    "source": {
        "name": "Movies",
        "path": "movies.json"
    "fields": "<field specifications>"

If a dataset consists of multiple sources, you need to specify the locations of sources in metadata.json as follows:

    "source": {
        "name": "Movies",
        "batches": [
                "path": "movies.1.json"
                "path": "movies.2.json"
                "path": "movies.3.json"
                "path": "movies.4.json"
    "fields": "<field specifications>"

You can use csv, json, parquet, and other data formats that pandas or Spark supports (depending on the engine type).

We need to know the number of records in batches for statistical inference. By default, the server counts the number of records in each batch, but if the number is known you can provide the number as follows:

    "source": {
        "name": "gaia",
        "batches": [
                "path": "0.parquet",
                "numRows": 90000000
                "path": "1.parquet",
                "numRows": 90000000
    "fields": "<field specifications>"

Field Specification

metadata.json also specifies the names and types of fields in the dataset. Here is an example:

    "source": "<source specification>",
    "fields": [
            "name": "Language",
            "vlType": "nominal",
            "dataType": "string"
            "name": "Popularity",
            "vlType": "quantitative",
            "min": 0,
            "max": 300,
            "numBins": 24,
            "dataType": "float"

vlType can be key, nominal, or quantitative. key is a nominal field with very high cardinality, such as a unique ID for each row, which cannot be included in a visualization query but should be displayed in the detail view.

dataType can be string, int, and float. This field is used for formatting data values.

For quantitative fields, you can provide the parameters for binning by specifying min, max, and numBins which defaults to 40. If these parameters are not provided, the parameters are computed using the first batch of the dataset and extended.

Session Management

If you create a new session, you will be able to see a three-letter code on the navigation bar. Later, you can access the session by entering the code on the main page. Sessions are stored in the memory of the server, so they will be lost if you shut down the server. If multiple devices connect to the same session, each action occurs in the devices (e.g., creating a query) will be synchronized.