- acrthomasChicago, IL
- babuaSanas AI
- Benbinbin
- chenchenziOxford Linguistics
- cnlinxiShanghai
- congzhang365Newcastle University
- fatchord@resemble-ai
- fly51flyPRIS
- gerazovFaculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies
- gognlin
- iiixynÉcole de technologie supérieure (ÉTS)
- JazminVidalUniversidad de Buenos Aires
- jbgh2@majorboost
- jd-yang-bChicago, IL
- Kaonashi913
- lordzukoUniversity of Edinburgh
- LuigiAttorresi
- MelissaChen15University of Rochester
- MiralanShanghai, China
- mkachlickaLondon, UK
- navta
- nd1511European Space Agency (ESA)
- nshmyrevAlpha Cephei Inc
- progerSupercomputer City
- RayeRenByteDance
- SiddGururaniNVIDIA Research
- snlpejpn
- thorstenMuellerGermany
- walkoncross
- weirenlan
- WendongGanUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China
- yamathcy
- yqli2420Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- yuan1615CVTE