Inspects Python source files and provides information about type and location of classes, methods etc
- 4
[BUG] Prospector fails pylint error - 1.13.x
#703 opened by robertalexa - 0
- 1
[BUG] toml support is incomplete
#639 opened by nat-n - 1
[BUG] prospector fails when pyproject.toml contain multiple constraints dependencies
#626 opened by ikappaki - 2
- 7
- 1
[FEATURE REQUEST] Baseline generation
#662 opened by gms8994 - 2
[FEATURE REQUEST] Add support for ruff
#601 opened by pmav99 - 0
- 1
- 4
[PKG SUPPORT] changes for support of `flake >=6.0.0` (and Python 3.12, implicit)
#644 opened by valeriupredoi - 2
[BUG] KeyError: 'version' when running in a folder with pyproject.toml which contains a path dependency
#591 opened by char0lene - 3
[BUG] PyLint invalid-name: False negatives on nested subclasses of `unittest.TestCase`
#595 opened by rpatterson - 3
[BUG] Relative import false negatives
#596 opened by rpatterson - 4
- 19
- 3
[BUG] mypy option 'implicit-optional' doesn't work due to typo in prospector/tools/mypy/
#584 opened by rambutandev - 2
- 4
[BUG] prospector fails with UnicodeDecodeError on requirements.txt having DOS (CRLF) line endings
#660 opened by amai2012 - 1
[BUG] Strange errors with python version 3.12.3
#663 opened by sewi2 - 2
Upgrade requirements-detector / remove pylint-plugin-utils as a direct dependency
#676 opened by carlio - 26
[PKG SUPPORT] `pylint <3` and Python 3.12
#641 opened by valeriupredoi - 0
- 3
[BUG] pre-commit hook fails on Python 3.12 because of deprecated pkg_resources
#646 opened by ldallmayr - 3
[BUG] missing dependency: setuptools
#656 opened by dotysan - 1
- 0
[BUG] `prospector[with_pyroma]` not appearing to install pyroma when creating conda environments
#661 opened by mo-gill - 1
[BUG] Crash with ValueError
#657 opened by ericLemanissier - 0
- 1
[BUG] Fatal error pylint: astroid-error
#651 opened by ryancausey - 3
[BUG] False positive E231 error in pycodestyle
#649 opened by gd-akotelevich - 2
[BUG] Incorrect additional_dependencies documentation to run prospector as a pre-commit hook with mypy support
#633 opened by jdechicchis - 1
[BUG] prospector2 won't install on Windows apparently since using forward slash instead of os.path.join
#623 opened by Poikilos - 1
- 4
- 6
[BUG] prospector keeps asking for install, even though it is already installed
#614 opened by DaniBodor - 3
- 0
- 4
- 1
- 11
- 11
[BUG] can't install along with tox
#579 opened by medecau - 0
- 1
- 4
Bunch of import errors when using prospector v1.8.4 via pre-commit hook
#587 opened by eugene-kostrov - 3
- 2
Pre-commit hook not working with rev: 1.8.4
#585 opened by eugene-kostrov - 0
Support Prospector for FastApi Project
#582 opened by iamromandev - 1
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