Form Validation

Live demo:

Desktop View:

Desktop View

Mobile View:

Mobile View


This project is about validating forms using the constraint validation API. It includes validation for email, country, zip code, and password fields. This project was created for the Form Validation with JavaScript assignment as part of The Odin Project curriculum. I met all the assignment objectives and then expanded on it with my own concepts to make it more functional and user-friendly.


This project is a form validation example. It includes the following fields:

  • Email: Must be a valid email address (e.g.,
  • Country: The name should not contain numbers and must be between 4 and 60 characters
  • Zip Code: Must be a valid 5-digit zip code (e.g., 34720)
  • Password: Must meet certain criteria (e.g., include at least one uppercase letter, one number, and one special character)


  • index.html: Contains the HTML structure of the form
  • style.css: Contains the CSS styles for the form
  • script.js: Contains the JavaScript code for form validation