
3G dialer script for Linux written in shell script, focused on embedded systems.

Primary LanguageShell


Based on the Open3G project. This script was written to allow an embedded Linux system using Raspberry PI to connect to the Internet using a 3G modem. It can handle disconnection, can auto detect APN and optionally can use wvdial to handle the connection.


  1. pppd
  2. wvdial [optional use]
  3. usb_modeswitch
  4. chat
  5. stty

Obs: On debian run apt install wvdial ppp usb-modeswitch



Command Details
install First step: create link to bin, logs dir, configure logrotate, detect modem, carrier...
connect Connect to the auto-detected carrier
disconnect Close active connection
reconnect Finishes the actual connection/process and try to connect again
status Display the status of the current connection
reconfigure Detect the modem and APN and build the default configuration file
help Display this help
Option Details
-a Always detect modem, APN, configure the modem when dialing. (use with connect)
-e Experimental option. Don't use wvdial, use only pppd and basic linux tools (for connect)
-f Force to use a specific config file. (Use with connect or reconfigure)


open3gs connect -f                                      # connect with settings created by 'install' or 'reconfigure'
open3gs connect -f /etc/open3gs/providers.d/oi.conf     # connect using specific config file
open3gs connect -a                                      # aways try to detect carrier and modem when dialing
open3gs reconfigure                                     # config open3gs auto-detecting settings
open3gs reconfigure -f /opt/open3gs/providers.d/oi.conf # config open3gs to use specific config file


  1. Sample pppd:
/usr/sbin/pppd -d /dev/ttyUSB0 460800 noauth persist defaultroute noipdefault usepeerdns nodeflate refuse-pap user oi password oi connect /usr/bin/chat -v TIMEOUT 300 ABORT \BUSY\ ABORT \NO DIALTONE\ ABORT \NO CARRIER\ \\ ATZ OK AT+cfun=1 OK AT+CGDCONT=1,\IP\,\gprs.oi.com.br\ -T ATDT*99# CONNECT \\
  1. Connect with wvdial:
/usr/bin/wvdial -C /specta/3g/default.conf