
The proshop Ecommerce app is the adequate web application for users who want a first hand experience of how the whole shopping website works. From user creating his order to payment at he end through the PAYPAL API it is a great beginner project for students looking to start their journey of building websites using the MERN stack.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is an eCommerce web application created with M(ongoDb)E(xpress)R(eact)N(ode) Stack. It has user authentication system, an admin user who can add new products in the app, check for order and payments and also choose which order has been delivered from the store. It is also connected to PayPal for payments. It is deployed in Heroku and below you can find the link to visit the app.

Please Use this Paypal Sandbox account for making payments- Paypal Sandbox emailID- sb-v5tmn20487915@personal.example.com Paypal Sandbox Password - <EGI.-x2

Features Full featured shopping cart Product reviews and ratings Top products carousel Product pagination Product search feature User profile with orders Admin product management Admin user management Admin Order details page Mark orders as delivered option Checkout process (shipping, payment method, etc) PayPal / credit card integration Database seeder (products & users) Built with NodeJs Express ReactJs Redux MongoDb React Hooks React Bootstrap Axios Bcrypt JSON Web Tokens Prettier Eslint React Helmet Live Version https://ecommerce-website-ephg.onrender.com