
Gcode generator for CNC foam cutting machine

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Documentation Status

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Pywing is a all-in-one software for hot wire foam CNC cutting. It can generate G-Code for other softwares or directly communicate with a 4-axis(XYUV) Grbl through serial link (see https://github.com/proto3/grbl/tree/hotwire).

It has no drop down menus, so everything you need is visible. Just try scrolling on each field and you will see instantly what it does in the 3D view.

How to use it ?

First of all, clone the repository and open a terminal inside pywing folder.

Follow this instructions to create a virtualenv and install required packages inside it (or just install packages in requirements.txt with the package manager you're used to):

# install virtualenv (use your dist packages manager if not apt)
sudo apt-get install virtualenv

# create a python3 virtualenv inside pywing folder
virtualenv -p python3 env

# activate your virtualenv
source env/bin/activate

# install pywing dependencies inside it
pip install -r requirements.txt

# run pywing

# deactivate your virtualenv