
old website - app.trading.football

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Getting Started

$ npm install -g gulp           # Install Gulp task runner globally
$ npm install                   # Install Node.js components listed in ./package.json

How to Build

$ gulp build                    # or, `gulp build --release`

By default, it builds in debug mode. If you need to build in release mode, add --release flag. This will minimize your JavaScript; you will also see some warnings from uglify where it removes unused code from your release.

How to Run

$ gulp                          # or, `gulp --release`

This will start a lightweight development server with LiveReload and synchronized browsing across multiple devices and browsers.

Updating API URL

To update the API URL for a deployment, edit the getApiUrl() function in src/api/apiUtils.js


This project was built on top of the Kriasoft React Starter Kit The MIT License © Konstantin Tarkus (@koistya)