
Input-output piping sample that demonstrates composition of functions.

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Input-output piping sample that demonstrates composition of functions.

We define a Composable as follows:

type Composable = (interface{}) (interface{}, error)

Logic functions should all return Composables. They generally should be in this form:

// ILogic1Dependency serves as dependency for logic 1.
type ILogic1Dependency interface {
  TransformLogic1(input string) (int, error)

// Logic1 performs logic 1.
func Logic1(dependency ILogic1Dependency) Composable {
  return func(input interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
    cast, ok := input.(string)

    if ok {
      return dependency.TransformLogic1(cast)

    return nil, CastError("Logic 1", input)

Since the output of one function may not match the input for another, in order to keep logic functions from changing, we also define adapters like so:

func Logic1ToLogic2Adapter() Composable {
  return func(input interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
    cast, ok := input.(int)

    if ok {
      return uint(math.Abs(float64(cast)) + 1), nil

    return nil, CastError("Logic 1 to Logic 2", input)

Since logic functions and adapters all return Composables, we can use a compose function to chain them:

output, err := Compose(

And since Compose also returns a Composable, we can keep chaining them endlessly. The entire chain can then be put in a goroutine for async.

To go even more deeply, we can define ComposableMapper to wrap a base function with extra functionalities:

// ComposableMapper represents a Composable converter.
type ComposableMapper = func(Composable) Composable

For example, we can define a tracer that tracks time spent on invoking a function:

// ILogger does logging.
type ILogger interface {
  Log(event interface{})

// Trace does some tracing for a function with a specified name.
func Trace(logger ILogger, funcName string) ComposableMapper
  return func(composable Composable) Composable {
    return func(input interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
      startTime := time.Now()

      defer func() {
        elapsed := time.Now().Sub(startTime)
        logger.Log(fmt.Sprintf("%v took %v millis to run", funcName, elapsed))

      return composable(input)

Then in Compose:

output, err := Compose(
  Trace(dependency, "Logic1")(Logic1(dependency)),
  Trace(dependency, "Logic2")(Logic2(dependency)),
  Trace(dependency, "Logic3")(Logic3(dependency)),

We can also define ComposeMapper to chain ComposableMapper together like we did with Composable:

// When
output, err := Compose(
  ComposeMapper(Trace(dependency, "Logic1"), commonMapper)(Logic1(dependency)),
  ComposeMapper(Trace(dependency, "Logic2"), commonMapper)(Logic2(dependency)),
  ComposeMapper(Trace(dependency, "Logic3"), commonMapper)(Logic3(dependency)),