
Greenbone Vulnerability Management Containers

Primary LanguageDockerfile



This is the Git repo of the tools to deploy Greenbone Vulnerability Management with containers. It is based on the Greenbone Source Edition (GSE) open source project.


The source code of admirito’s unofficial docker images for Greenbone Vulnerability Management 11–which is based on admirito’s GVM PPA–is hosted on this repo. It contains the source for the following docker images:

  • gvmd: Greenbone Vulnerability Manager
  • openvas: OpenVAS remote network security scanner
  • gsad: Greenbone Security Assistant
  • gvm-postgres: PostgreSQL 10 Dataabase with “uuid-ossp” extension to be used by gvmd

To setup the GVM system with docker-compose, just clone the repo and issue docker-compose up command:

git clone https://github.com/admirito/gvm-containers.git

cd gvm-containers

docker-compose up

You can uncomment the cert-scap-sync and nvt-sync containers from the docker-compose.yml file to synchronize NVT/CERT/SCAP data.

Helm Chart

A helm chart for deploying the docker images on kubernetes is also available. For more information please read the chart/README.org.