💫 The magic of Inertia.js with the simplicity of Blade 💫 - Splade provides a super easy way to build Single Page Applications (SPA) using standard Laravel Blade templates, and sparkle it to make it interactive. All without ever leaving Blade.
Pinned issues
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Export doesnt working at controller splade table
#634 opened by kahfieidn - 0
Enhancement Request: Dynamic Form Inputs for User Interactions in Bulk Actions
#640 opened by Adel-Kazem - 0
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Text in Toast has a margin top
#627 opened by dusp2k - 2
Filepond multiple upload with Spatie media library keeps only the first file
#540 opened by romain-lgr - 0
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Laravel support for presence channels
#543 opened by Stephan-MC - 1
The script is not working until I reload the page
#552 opened by zyyko - 1
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Missing og:description
#535 opened by meetwithchuks - 3
How would I access the form property from the <x-splade-script/> component?
#520 opened by mccarlosen - 4
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Events are getting disposed off after navigation
#516 opened by thecyrilcril - 0
Splade table: count of rows
#506 opened by Blixary - 1
Question: How do I speed up a huge component?
#511 opened by thecyrilcril - 2
Pass parameter to table
#510 opened by EmilMoe - 1
Question: How to use the ClickOutside component
#519 opened by thecyrilcril - 3
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When will be laravel-Splade v2 released
#537 opened by dhsont - 0
Collapse sidebar function
#538 opened by nethzer - 3
Component Specific Javascript Dependencies
#545 opened by KimGrimm - 2
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ProtoneMedia\Splade\Components\PersistentComponent::viewData(): Argument #2 ($slot) must be of type Illuminate\Support\HtmlString, Illuminate\View\ComponentSlot given
#527 opened by bardolf69 - 1
uploading multiple files to an empty spatie media collection only stores the last file in the array.
#556 opened by bardolf69 - 1
How to user ChartJS with Splade?
#546 opened by MdAnowarHosen - 1
x-splade-flash doesn't show Flash-Data
#555 opened by p4rad0xus - 0
X-Splade-Rehydrate loads the wrong part
#548 opened by Lioxen - 1
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PersistenLayout Not Working
#544 opened by kahfieidn - 1
Date Range Filter Table Splade
#539 opened by kahfieidn - 0
Defer component with infinite polling
#534 opened by lucassdoro - 1
Error when input name starts with digit
#529 opened by evici - 1
Downloading files not working
#523 opened by thecyrilcril - 0
Nested splade file component does not bind to its parent but to the form component directly
#522 opened by thecyrilcril - 0
#521 opened by webnatrix - 1
<x-splade-form stay> popups Toast twice
#513 opened by dusp2k - 0
#514 opened by thecyrilcril - 2
Map form or table to a JSON column
#509 opened by EmilMoe - 0