how to bulk action in Splade-dataTable?
Adel-Kazem opened this issue · 2 comments
I need help, I tried to implement the codes inside the docs but it's not working..I am using SPLADE data table but I can't figure out how to implement bulk action functionality into multiple of rows with the specific column, for example if I want to translate the column of post description using bulk action and allow instant update?
any idea or clear guidance? thanks.
here's where I'm trying to add the bulk action functionality (as per official docs) but it's failing:
public function index()
return view('users.index', [
'users' => SpladeTable::for(User::class)
->withGlobalSearch(columns: ['name', 'email'])
->column('name', label: 'User Name', canBeHidden: false, sortable: true, searchable: true)
->column('email', sortable: true, searchable: true)
->column('country_code', label: 'Country')
->column(label: 'Actions')
->selectFilter('country_code', [
'HK' => 'HK only',
'nl' => 'Dutch',
])->bulkAction('Test action', function (User $user) {
info('Bulk action test');
and the error that I get is this get_class(): Argument #1 ($object) must be of type object, null given
I was able to resolve it through the official docs. I wasn't knowing that I should create a dedicated class for the data table, for future reference for anyone who might search for this this is the page (under Table Class): link
And by the way this package is really awesome!