
A list of Neural MT implementations

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Neural Machine Translation Implementations

A list of NMT implementations.


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The List

Software Who Backend Comments
AmuNMT decoder Marcin Custom compatible with Nematus models
chainn Philip Chainer
DCNMT SwordYork Blocks
dl4mt-tutorial Cho, Orhan Theano
dl4mt-c2c Jason, Cho Theano
HNMT Robert Theano
lamtram Graham DyNet
mantis Trevor DyNet
Nematus Rico, Cho, Orhan Theano
nmt-android Yoon, Sasha Torch
nmt.hybrid Thang Matlab also word-based
NMTKit Yusuke DyNet
Neural Monkey ÚFAL TensorFlow
Paddle Baidu Paddle demo
Keras seq2seq Fariz Keras
TensorFlow seq2seq Google TensorFlow MT demo
seq2seq-attn Yoon Torch
textsum Google TensorFlow text sum demo