
A curated list on the topic of open business models and strategies

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Open Business Models

A curated list of open business models and strategies.

  • The Political Economy of Open Source - Discussing the paradox of open source software's apparent lack of economic value despite its widespread use and development.
  • Open Source: From Community to Commercialization - Peter Levine has been working with open source as a developer, entrepreneur, and investor for more than thirty years. He gave a talk that drew on his own experiences as well as interviews with dozens of open source experts.
  • Awesome Paid Open Source - Collection of links around paid/sustainable open source development.
  • Business models for open-source software - Companies whose business center on the development of open-source software employ a variety of business models to solve the challenge of how to make money providing software that is by definition licensed free of charge.
  • Sustainable Free and Open Source Communities - An overview of the various open source business models, with examples of companies that use them.
  • Open-core model - The open-core model is a business model for the monetization of commercially produced open-source software.
  • COSS - Commercial open-source software company index.
  • Roadmap: Open Source - After years of investing in open source software, we're releasing our thinking on what positions these companies as emerging technology giants.
  • Open Source Management & Strategy - This 7-module course series builds on the accumulated wisdom of many previous training modules on open source best practices, while adding fresh and updated content to explain all of the critical elements of working effectively with open source in your enterprise.
  • COSS-Course - A course on commercial open source startups.
  • Sid Sijbrandij - Commercial Open Source Business Strategies.
  • Open Collective - An online platform that helps open communities and collaborative groups collect and spend money transparently.
  • Open Source Contracting - Providing example language for contracts which work with open-source software and explicitly want to encourage it's growth and development.
  • Awesome OSS Monetization - A curated list of monetization approaches for open-source software.
  • Someone has to Pay for the domino - This post catalogs the sustainability problem and the various solutions we’ve seen working for F/OSS projects.
  • OSS Capital - A seed-stage focused VC exclusively dedicated to backing leading COSS startup founders on a global basis.
  • Open Core Ventures - Believes in the power of an open source base for all software, and the impact of open learning and collaboration.
  • The Business of Open Source - Podcast that explores the intersection of open source technology with business goals, through conversations with experts in the open source ecosystem.
  • Positioning Free Open Source Software - How maintainers of open source projects can use positioning strategically to accelerate their project’s growth, build a dedicated community, and build exceptional software.