GitHub Actions Runner

This repo just facilitates building a container with GitHub Actions Runner installed. Official repo for the Actions Runner is here.

Project Status

If you use this container, please bear in mind that it is currently in development.

The intent is that a controller will spawn this container as a job in Kubernetes cluster, so the defaults will be tailored for that.

Known Issues

  • Docker is not available yet

Running GitHub Actions Runner Container

Running the Actions Runner container is possible as follows.

docker run --rm -it -e RUNNER_CFG_PAT="${GITHUB_TOKEN}" -e RUNNER_SCOPE="<owner>/<repo>"

Additional options are available as environment variables.

  • DEBUG=true -e - Causes to echo back the commands it runs. Warning: This exposes sensitive information.
  • PERSISTENT=true - Enables persistence for the runner to handle multiple jobs. The default behavoir is to use the --ephemeral flag, which means the runner will cease operations after processing 1 job.
  • LABELS=label1,label2 - Provide additional labels for the runner. The "self-hosted" label is always ensured.

Ephemeral Behavoir

When the runner starts, it will wait for a job it can run. Once it runs a job, it will self-terminate.

Building Locally

docker build -t gh-actions-runner:latest .