
Block parsing templating system, similar to that of the xtpl php library.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

GTPL - Golang Templates

GTPL is a simplified templating system that makes separation of HTML and application logic easy. This small library was created as the successor of vision (https://github.com/protosam/vision/). GTPL takes HTML that is sliced into blocks with html comments, parses out blocks as needed, and can even run registered functions.


This package doesn't provide protection from malicious HTML, CSS, or even Javascript. For most things you should be sanitizing inputs anyway, but when you begin talking about comments on blogs or even forums, you need to provide some means of formating text. Consider using the html and html/template package for handling input sanitization for html input.

The Example

If you switch to the the example directory you will find a basic example of how to use GTPL. Running it is as simple as go run runme.go!