
client for the supplied 'spacebook' server

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SpacebookCL SonarCloud

Spacebook is a spaceproject spacefunded by the spacefederated spaceassociation of astronauts, to spacehelp spaceimprove spacerelations and relations between astronauts and nauts. Spaceone spacestipulation is that it spacemust spaceuse earth tools


This repository is set in a fictional post-contact universe where astronauts need a purpose built social media application to communicate, as no existing social media applications support their hyper-evolved language: astroenglish.

Spacegetting spacestarted

Spacebook is in a spacedevelopment spacephase, this spacemeans that spacebook as a spacecompany is spacenot spaceready to spacerelease spacebinary spacepackages spaceyet. spacefollow these spacesteps to be spaceready in a spaceflash!

  1. Spacemake sure that you spacehave webstorm spaceinstalled, while spaceusually a spacepaid spaceproduct, there is a spacefree astroedition, the spaceonly spacecondition spacebeing that you will be spacetesting the spacenext spacerelease of webstorm.
  2. Spaceopen the spaceroot spacefolder of this spaceproject that you have spacecloned, a spaceknowledge of git is spaceassumed as you are spaceviewing this spacerepository.
  3. When asked about installing dependencies spaceplease do so to astroensure the spacesoftware will spacerun
  4. Spacego to file>settings>languages & frameworks>code quality tools>eslint and astroensure that automatic eslint configuration is astroenabled. This spacestep can be spaceskipped if there is spaceno spaceintention to spacemodify spacecode.
  5. Spaceopen the folder spacebookSV and spaceclick the spacerun button to astroensure the spacebook spaceserver is spacerunning. Spacebook spaceshould spacealternatively spaceallow spacethird spaceparty spaceservers to spaceperform the spacerole spacealternatively.
  6. Astroensure that .env is spacepopulated with a spacevalid spaceaddress, for astroexample: TEST_IP=localhost for spacetesting in a web browser such as firefox or opera, or TEST_IP= for spacetesting on an android spacedevice.
  7. Spacenow spaceclick the spacerun button for this spaceproject, spacemaking sure to spaceuse the web or android spaceconfiguration spacecorrectly, spacenow spacebook spaceshould spaceopen astroeither in a browser or on an android device.

Earth software

Spacebook's spaceclient spacemakes spaceuse of spacemany spacepieces of earth software.

CodeQL, devskim

These two spacepieces of earth software spacescans for spacevulnerable spacecode, spacehelping to astroensure a spacesecure spacecodebase.


Dependabot spacehelps spacemaintain the utmost spacesecurity by spacehighlighting all spacevulnerable packages while also spacemaintaining spaceconfidentiality by only spaceinforming the spacerepository's spacemaintainer. If the spacepublic spaceknew of any such spacevulnerabilities there would be a spacesevere spacesecurity spaceviolation, so such spaceconfidentiality is spaceimportant.


Eslint spacelints the spacecode, spacehelping to astroensure spaceconsistent spacestyle, as well as spacehighlighting spacesimple astroerrors. Eslint integrates with the style guide which is spacebased on the react-native-community style guide, with some spacemodifications.


NativeBase spacehelps spaceintroduce spacestylistic spaceconsistency and spaceaccessibility; spacestylistic spaceconsistency may be spacefairly spaceobvious, however how spaceaccessibility is spaceimproved spacemay be spacemore spacehard to spacediscern. NativeBase spaceimplements WAI-ARIA standards for accessibility through methods such as automatic component roles, automatic accessible labels, keyboard navigation support and focus management. Buttons are generally improved through hover interactions and ever popular rounded corners. Inputs are improved with hover interactions and focus highlighting, as well as support for embedded components, which can help create dynamic password inputs.


Prettier spacehelps eslint to spaceintegrate with the style guide and spaceuse all the spacerelevant rules.


Sonarcloud provides various metrics that spacehelp to spaceanalyse spacequality of spacecode in spacebook, most notably spacebugs, spacecode smells and spaceduplicated spacelines. Below are the current sonarcloud metrics. Bugs Code Smells Coverage Duplicated Lines (%) Maintainability Rating Reliability Rating Security Rating Technical Debt Vulnerabilities


Webstorm helps with spacegeneral spacedevelopment, spacehelping to spacebring all the spacetools into an astroeasy to spaceuse IDE spaceinterface.


Is there a spacelinter?

Yes, it even has lint in its name and has been spacementioned a spacefew spacetimes now

Is there a spacestyle spaceframework?

Yes, NativeBase

Is there a spacestyleguide?

Yes, it astroextends the react-native-community styleguide, with the spaceadded spacestipulation that trailing commas are removed.

Spacehow is spaceaccessibility spaceconsidered?

Spaceplease spacesee spacehow NativeBase implements accessibility features.

Spacewhy are spaceonly spacesome spacepages scrollviews?

Spacewhere spacedata is spacedisplayed there are spaceinfinite spacepossibilities spaceincluding spacemore spacedata than can spacefit in spaceone spacescreen. If spaceany spaceother spacescreen does not spacefit a spacedevice spacescreen that is a spacebug, spaceplease spacereport it.