This bot is primarily for the focus of Aphrodites wish and its development endevours. Please read the CLA
This project is licensed under a Proprietary License.
The code in this repository is not open source, and no rights are granted for any use, modification, or distribution outside of this repository. Unauthorized use, modification, or distribution is strictly prohibited.
For full license details, please see the LICENSE file.
Contributions are welcome, but contributors must agree to the Contributor License Agreement (CLA). By submitting code, documentation, or other contributions, you agree that your work may be incorporated into this project under the terms of the CLA.
For details, please review the Contributor License Agreement (CLA).
If you are interested in contributing, please ensure you have read and agreed to the CLA before submitting a pull request.
Instructions for Contributors: In your pull request, please include the following statement to confirm you agree with the CLA:
"I have read and agree to the Contributor License Agreement."
This software is provided "AS IS", without any warranty of any kind, express or implied. See the LICENSE for further details.
To install all the required dependencies, run the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt