Coding Test - InvoiceStats

Invoices are agreements to transfer money between companies. We need a python class to aggregate and gather basic stats on the invoices we process. Your task is to write this class.

Write a python class, InvoiceStats, along with suitable tests, which supports the following methods:

  • add_invoices - add a list of invoices, in dollars and cents
  • add_invoice - add a single invoice, in dollars and cents.
  • clear - remove all stored invoice data.
  • get_median - find the median value ( of the added invoices, to the nearest cent. Half a cent should round down.
  • get_mean - find the mean value of the invoices, to the nearest cent. Half a cent should round down.


  • Valid invoice values v are 0 < v < $200,000,000.00 and must be a whole number of dollars and cents.
  • Adding non valid invoice value(s) should raise an exception.
  • You may decide what data type(s) to use to best represent the invoice amounts.
  • Maximum number of invoices is 20,000,000
  • Assume the machine the code is running on will not crash, so no need to persist data.
  • You may use (non standard) third party libraries. If so, please include details of them, including why you used them.
  • Your code will be judged on scalability, clarity, readability, accuracy, test coverage, performance and robustness


  • user-defined errors to raise when facing invalid invoices
  • custom Invoice class to represent invoices
  • implementation of the InvoiceStats class
  • unit tests

Test locally

Every package used is from the standard library, to run the tests just launch (tested with python==3.7.2): python3 -m unittest