
Focus on your business logic!!..Starter kit for Laravel application featuring, Laravel Jetstream, Inertia.js, Social Auth, Laravel Nova admin with admin roles/permissions, etc.

Primary LanguagePHP

# Laravel Scaffold

Kick start a laravel application with basic things already setup for you so that you can focus on your business logic

The following features have been added for you

Laravel jetstream

Laravel 9, and can run on PHP 8.1

Login/signup with Google

Beautiful admin panel with Laravel Nova setup (You have to buy and install Laravel Nova for this at https://nova.laravel.com/)

Admin roles/permissions setup for you

Email notifications setup. You can Start sending emails immediately after setting ur env details

Already has profile edit, 2FA Auth(optional), changing password and other basic profile edits setup for you with a beautiful UI with laravel jetstream and Inertia.js

Already added fontawesome for you

Already added toastr for you

Inital Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ composer install

# autoload dependencies
$ composer dump-autoload

# install node dependencies
$ npm install

# create a .env file in the root of the project, and copy and paste the contents of .env.example into it and save it.

# Set Your Keys and APi Keys in the .env file.

# migrate and seed
$ php artisan migrate --seed

# start server
$ php artisan serve

# And you're good to go!

After Build Setup (Incase of Database Refresh)

# After you've started the server sometime later in the future during development, if u wish to refresh the database, run
$ php artisan migrate:refresh --seed

# And you're good to go!

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Laravel docs.