ProseMirror placeholder module

This module add support to prosemirror for a placeholder by defining a schema mark, a command for setting the mark and a plugin to provide underlying behaviour.

Placeholder content is inline and can overlap with other inline content, but has several key behaviours when being edited:

  • A cursor that moves into a placeholder is moved to the start of the placeholder
  • A placeholder adjacent to the current cursor has an active class applied
  • Editing a placeholder results in it's removal

This module also contains a demo to preview behaviour, which can also be viewed at

Maintained by ProWritingAid

ProWritingAid is the only platform that offers world-class grammar and style checking combined with more in-depth reports to help you strengthen your writing.

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  • npm run demo: Livereloading demo server with behaviour logs, placeholder support added to an example prosemirror configuration, served from /demo_dist
  • npm run build: Compile the module for release
  • npm run test: Compile and test the module



npm install prosemirror-placeholder-mark


import { CreateMark as CreatePlaceholderMark, ToggleMark as TogglePlaceholderMark, placeholder } from "prosemirror-placeholder-mark"
import "prosemirror-placeholder-mark/dist/placeholder.css


The module exports:

CreateMark(options ?: CreateMarkOptions) -> mark:<Mark>

The first thing you'll want to do is configure and create the placeholder mark, then add it to your schema.

CreateMarkOptions {
  className ?: string,
  activeClassName ?: string

ToggleMark(mark: Mark) -> Command:<function>

Returns a command that can be used to apply the placeholder mark. A small extension to the internal ToggleMark from prosemirror-commands.

Pass it to e.g. keymaps just like toggleMark

placeholder(mark: Mark) -> Plugin:<instance>

Returns the plugin code that has all the behaviour extensions to the prosemirror transaction/update cycle. Add it to the plugins section of your editor instance.