This is a fork of the original Magento CE Solr extension
The changes include:
- Hot fix to make the module work with Solr 4.3 (the original only works with solr 3.x)
- Added configuration files for brazilian portuguse undes the app/etc folder
The original description:
Make search on Magento CE with Apache Solr.
Based on PHP library for Apache Solr : solr-php-client
Extension use fulltext for index. You can search in any attributes (Use in Quick Search).
If Apache Tomcat server is down, usual search is used. It is invisible for user.
Search relevance is stored (Magento do not use relevance with MySQL fulltext).
Extension do not support catalog advanced search. Usual search is used for this feature.
Compatibility : Magento >= 1.5
- Config
- System > Configuration > Catalog > Solr Search Engine