A basic marketplace platform which allows users to ‘buy’ and ‘sell’ items. [REDACTED COMPANY] offline assignment.
- Docker
- Go 1.19 or above (provided by Docker)
./build.sh && ./run.sh
Must ensure that DynamoDB local is running on port 8000.
go run main.go
cd cmd
go build -o main && go test
- Username and list ID are unique and case insensitive.
- listing ID is sequential starting from 100001.
- Only registered users should be allowed to buy or sell items.
- Each listing can be associated with only 1 user and 1 category.
- Category reads can be sorted on Price or creation time.
Application is written in Go, backed by DynamoDB local ( DDB-Local).
For simplicity, there is no long-running server. The CLI app itself is long-running and will be terminated by the user with ___TODO: ___ SIGTERM signal.
DDB-Local strikes a good balance between the light-weight of a NoSQL database and robustness of a production database. It also has the benefit of able to be deployed on AWS with minimal changes in the code if scalability is required.
DDB-Local also has the flexibility to either run in-memory only or persist to disk. For this application, it is configured to be in-memory for ease of testing.
Simply "Registered => authorized". Authentication is performed on each operation besides Register.
- Register(username string)
- CreateListing(username string, title string, description string, price int, category string)
- DeleteListing(username string, listingId string)
- GetListing(listingId string)
- GetListingsByCategory(category string, sortBy enum.SortBy, sortOrder enum.SortOrder)
- SortBy: Price, CreationTime
- GetTopCategory()
- Get the top category across with the most listings, across all users.
Price is stored as int to simplify (since it is fixed at 2 decimal). It is assumed that the price is in cents. CreatedAt is stored as Epoch Seconds to simplify.
This table consists of three types of records:
User root record
partition key:
sort key: Username
Listing record
partition key: ListingId
sort key: Username
- Title
- Description
- Price
- Category
- CreatedAt
Category Metric Record
partition key:
sort key: Category
- CategoryCount
partition key: ListingId
sort key: CategoryCount
(To be used for GetTopCategory. Only partition key used will be #CATEGORY_METRIC
partition key: Category
sort key: Price
partition key: Category
sort key: CreatedAt
partition key:
sort key: listingId
(To be used for generating listingId)
- Register (put user root record with special sort key '#ROOT')
- Check if user exist (get user root record)
- Assert username is unique (provided by partition key)
- add listing (put listing record with sort key as listing ID)
- Assert listing ID is unique (provided by sort key)
- Assert listing belong to a single user (provided by partition key)
This is a barebone application. Additional use-case can be extended by:
- Additional indexing: easily added via LSI or GSI in DDB.
- Additional attributes: easily added to DDB without downtime.
NoSQL is not designed for OLAP use-cases, but can be extended to supported advanced queries with Amazon EMR integration.
For heavy OLAP use-cases, consider integrating with Amazon Redshift or migrate to a relational database.
Long-running server can be added to handle the load, in which ECS+Fargate fronted by Application Load Balancer can be used.
Serverless solution like API-Gateway + Lambda is cost-effective, but with its own set of limitations. It is assumed Managed-DynamoDB will be used, which will scale automatically.
Attack vectors to consider:
- Man-in-the-middle attack
- DDOS attack
Proper OAUTH should be used for production. Consider implementing a proper auth server like Auth0.
API-Gateway has built-in DDOS protection, and can be configured to block IP addresses that are attacking.
If long-running compute solution is chosen, Application Load Balancer can be used to protect against DDOS.