
Tech stuff about security


Tech stuff about security


  • site:postman.com my-domain.com - Find postman collections for your website from Google
  • subfinder -d my-domain.com -o results.txt - Find all subdomains
  • ping -c 1 my-domain.com -R - send a echo request to the domain to get a return route





  • Script kiddie: an individual with limited knowledge of hacking and cybersecurity who uses pre-made scripts or tools to launch attacks on networks or systems. They typically lack the skills to develop their own hacking methods or to understand the intricacies of the systems they exploit. Their actions are often motivated by a desire for attention or mischief rather than sophisticated objectives. The term is derogatory, emphasizing their superficial understanding and approach to hacking.
  • Web Application Firewall (WAF): a security tool that filters and monitors HTTP traffic to and from a web application to protect against web-based attacks like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and others. It operates by applying a set of rules to identify and block malicious traffic, ensuring the security of web applications. WAFs can be implemented as hardware, software, or as a cloud service, offering versatile protection options for web applications.
  • weakest link: the most vulnerable component within a security system or network that could be exploited by threats or attacks. This vulnerability could be due to a variety of factors, including outdated software, weak passwords, insufficient security policies, or human error.
  • Safe harbor: a legal framework that allows for the transfer of personal data across borders while ensuring compliance with privacy laws of the originating country. It sets standards for privacy, security, and handling of personal data to facilitate international business operations, requiring adherence to principles like data integrity, security, and privacy enforcement.
