NomadBSD is a live system for flash drives, based on FreeBSD.
Requirements for building the image
A recent FreeBSD system
Requirements for running NomadBSD
- A 4GB (or more) flash drive
- A (amd64/i386) system with a 1.2GHz CPU and 1G of RAM should be able to run NomadBSD decently.
Building the image
By default, the build script builds a 64-bit (amd64) image. For a 32-bit (i386)
image, set ARCH=i386
in build.cfg
# ./build all
If you want to build an image for Mac, define -m
# ./build -m all
If something went wrong, you can resume the build after locating and fixing the problem that caused the build to stop.
# ./build resume
Writing the image to an USB memory stick
# dd if=nomadbsd.img of=/dev/da0 bs=1M conv=sync
Ready to use image
Visit http://nomadbsd.org to download the recent image.