libdsl: SoC independent DSL API covering functions to configure DSL and gather stats. dsmngr: Userspace application to configure DSL from UCI options and provide ubus interface to start/stop DSL and gather stats. dslmngr links with libdsl and utilizes the libdsl functions. ----------------- |dsl object @ubus| ----------------- || ------- |dslmngr| ------- || ------ |libdsl| ------ || ---------- |DSL Driver| ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | UBUS Data Model | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ubus call dsl status { "line": [ { "id": 0, "status": "up", "upstream": true, "firmware_version": "", "link_status": "up", "xtse_used": [ "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "01" ], "standard_used": "vdsl2_annexa", "current_profile": "17a", "power_management_state": "l0", "max_bit_rate": { "us": 65067, "ds": 141161 }, "line_encoding": "dmt", "xtse": [ "15", "00", "04", "00", "0c", "05", "05", "07" ], 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"xtur_ansi_std": 0, "xtur_ansi_rev": 0, "xtuc_vendor": "4244434D", "xtuc_country": "B500", "xtuc_ansi_std": 0, "xtuc_ansi_rev": 0, "channel": [ { "id": 0, "status": "up", "link_encapsulation_used": "vdsl2_ptm", "curr_rate": { "us": 59998, "ds": 100000 }, "actndr": { "us": 59998, "ds": 100000 }, "link_encapsulation_supported": [ "adsl2_atm", "vdsl2_ptm" ], "lpath": 0, "intlvdepth": 1, "intlvblock": 255, "actual_interleaving_delay": 0, "actinp": 0, "inpreport": false, "nfec": 255, "rfec": 16, "lsymb": 26823, "actinprein": { "us": 0, "ds": 0 } } ] } ] } ubus call dsl stats { "line": [ { "id": 0, "total_start": 193, "showtime_start": 86, "last_showtime_start": 0, "current_day_start": 32512, "quarter_hour_start": 112, "total": { "errored_secs": 0, "severely_errored_secs": 0 }, "showtime": { "errored_secs": 0, "severely_errored_secs": 0 }, "lastshowtime": { "errored_secs": 0, "severely_errored_secs": 0 }, "currentday": { "errored_secs": 0, "severely_errored_secs": 0 }, "quarterhour": { 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