
Quick and dirty brainfuck jit compiler

Primary LanguageC


Quick and dirty brainfuck jit compiler for x64 linux.

Machine code is built in memory from the brainfuck program. The memory region is made exectuable by a call to mprotect and is the code is run.

Brainfuck C Machine code
> ptr++; lea bx,[rbx+1]
< ptr--; lea bx,[rbx-1]
+ tape[ptr]++; add BYTE PTR [r12+rbx],1
- tape[ptr]--; sub BYTE PTR [r12+rbx],1
. putchar(tape[ptr]); syscall
[ while(tape[ptr]){ cmp BYTE PTR [r12+rbx],0x0; jz loop_end
] } cmp BYTE PTR [r12+rbx],0x0; jnz loop_start
# breakpoint int 3


  • Adjacent >, <, + or - are combined. For example >>> would become lea bx,[rbx+3]
  • The cmp part of [ and ] is skipped if the zero flag is still valid from a + or -
  • The tape is 65536 (2^16) bytes long and the tape pointer is stored in bx (16 bits), enabling quick wrapping
  • [-] and [+] emit mov BYTE PTR [r12+rbx],0x0