
Small data exchange program using UNIX signals.

Primary LanguageC



• You must create a communication program in the form of a client and server. • The server must be launched first, and after being launched it must display its PID. • The client will take as parameters: ◦ The server PID. ◦ The string that should be sent. • The client must communicate the string passed as a parameter to the server. Once the string has been received, the server must display it. • Communication between your programs should ONLY be done using UNIX signals. • The server must be able to display the string pretty quickly. By quickly we mean that if you think it is too long, then it is probably too long (hint: 1 second for 100 characters is COLOSSAL) • Your server should be able to receive strings from several clients in a row, without needing to be restarted. • You can only use the two signals SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2.


The purpose of this project is to code a small data exchange program using UNIX signals.


  • Produce server & client executables
  • client must communicate a string passed as a parameter to server (referenced by its process ID) which then displays it
  • Use SIGUSR1 & SIGUSR2 signals ONLY


  • Add reception acknowledgement system
  • Support Unicode characters

Allowed Functions


  1. Clone repo including libft submodule via git clone --recursive https://github.com/prranges/minitalk.git.
  2. Compile files into server & client executables via make -C 42-minitalk.