
An Android Application that shows the list of contacts and messages. User can send messages and view sent messages details.

How to Install

  • Go to the Application directory.
  • Go to app->build->outputs->apk.
  • Select the and install this apk file in your device. or
  • Directly Download (or clone) this project and run in adnroid studio.

How to use

  • Select a number from Contact tab (First one is the valid number for testing).
  • Now click on the FAB (Floating Action Button) to move to Send message activity.
  • Either edit the randomly generated OTP or used the same, Click on Send button to send the message.
  • To check all sent messages move to second tab "Messages" which contain list of contact to whom messages are sent.
  • Click on any Contact to see details.

Used Libraries -

Libraries used in this project are -

  • Retrofit - For http connection and sending message.
  • Glide - For loading images.
  • Gson - Used gson to convert json into java objects