This is a facial expression dataset with 6 labels plus neutral. Since the original ExpW dataset is really dirty to some extend, here I offer a cleaner version of it. The label style is using the same format of FERPLUS which you can see here
BaiduYun [password: t9sd]
author = {Zhanpeng Zhang, Ping Luo, Chen Change Loy, and Xiaoou Tang},
title = {Learning Social Relation Traits from Face Images},
booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
month = December,
year = {2015}
author = {Zhanpeng Zhang, Ping Luo, Chen Change Loy, and Xiaoou Tang},
title = {From Facial Expression Recognition to Interpersonal Relation Prediction},
booktitle = {arXiv:1609.06426v2},
month = September,
year = {2016}