Project Overview

This project dives into football statistics with a special focus on goalscoring. It aims to analyze player performance and predict whether a given situation during a football match will result in a goal. The dataset used for this project is from Kaggle, containing detailed football event data.

The project is divided into three main phases:

  1. Data Analysis: Cleaning and exploring the dataset to extract insights related to goalscoring.
  2. Model Building: Using machine learning techniques to build a predictive model for goal outcomes.
  3. User Interface Development: Creating a user-friendly web interface where users can input their own data and test the predictive model.

Key Features:

  • Data cleaning and exploratory data analysis (EDA) of football event data.
  • Machine learning models including Gradient Boosting Classifier, Logistic Regression, and Soft Voting for prediction.
  • Web application built with Flask, providing an interface for users to interact with the data and the prediction model.

Technologies Used:

  • Python: Data cleaning, analysis, and machine learning.
  • Flask: Backend framework to build the web application.
  • HTML/CSS: Frontend for user interaction.
  • Machine Learning: Classification and regression trees.

How to Run:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install required dependencies from requirements.txt.
  3. Run the Flask application using python
  4. Access the web interface through your browser at http://localhost:5000.


The dataset is sourced from Kaggle and includes detailed football event data such as:

  • Time
  • Player position
  • Assist method
  • Body part used to score, etc.

Predictive Model:

The model predicts the probability of a goal based on the input data, using factors such as the time of the match, assist method, and the player’s position.