
Programmierproject 2019

Primary LanguageJava

Team While(True) Game name: Edgy 19.05.19

  1. Creating a Jar In order to run the game at Milestone V:

    1. Build jar: gradlew task "build-cs108"

    2. Jar and userdb can be found in .\build\libs

    3. Javadoc can be found in .\build\docs

    4. Run server: java -jar edgy.jar server

    5. Run client: java -jar edgy.jar client : [username password] ex: java -jar edgy.jar client Platon höhleGleich87

  2. Blog Our protocol can be found online: https://whiletruedonothing.home.blog

  3. Quality Management Report .\Quality-Management\BerichtQualityManagement.pdf

  4. Networkprotocol The human-readable Networkprotocol can be found as pdf: .\Documentation\NetworkCommands.pdf

  5. Architecture: The Software-Architecture document can be found on git: .\Documentation\Architecture.pdf

  6. Game Manual Our Manual of the game Edgy can be found as a pdf-file: .\Documentation\Edgy_Handbuch2.0.pdf or on our website: https://edgy-2.jimdosite.com/ -> Downloads

  7. JUnit: The test report can be found on Git (gradlew test): .\build\reports\tests\test\index.html

  8. Presentation The presentation as pdf-file can be found on git: .\presentations\Grp_14_Milestone5.pdf The presentation as PowerPoint can be found on git: .\presentations\Grp_14_Milestone5.pptx

  9. Project Management: Project plan as Gantt project: .\projectManagement\ProjectManagmentGrp14.gan

  10. Website: Our Website can be found online: https://edgy-2.jimdosite.com/

  11. Credits for Sound and music: For the Tutorial: -Music: https://www.bensound.com/ -Sound effects: http://soundbible.com/ For the Screencast: -Music: Darkness faded, Alan Walker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGi97H9diZQ (Attribution 4.0 International CC BY 4.0; Creative Commons License) For the sounds in the game: -successfull move: http://soundbible.com/2044-Tick.html (Attribution 3.0) -failed move: http://soundbible.com/1299-Banana-Peel-Slip-Zip.html (Attribution 3.0) -your turn: http://soundbible.com/1424-Air-Plane-Ding.html (Sampling Plus 1.0) -winner: http://soundbible.com/1003-Ta-Da.html (Attribution 3.0) -loser: http://soundbible.com/1830-Sad-Trombone.html (Attribution 3.0)

  12. Screencast: It can be found on git: .\GameInsight\TheSleepySheep_Lang.mp4 It can be found on our website: https://edgy-2.jimdosite.com/ -> main site Edgy.

  13. Screenshot: .\Screenshot\ScreenshotEdgy.png

  14. Trailer: It can be found on git: .\GameInsight\TrailerFinal.mp4 It can be found on our website: https://edgy-2.jimdosite.com/ -> main site Edgy.

Milestone V has been approved by the following team members: Rüthemann Peter Stephanie Brogli Tobias Christ