
Unit tests for libbash.sh

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

libbash.sh unit tests

Unit tests for the libbash.sh project.

Some tests failed? Help us to improve libbash.sh project and report a bug here!

Please note that these tests are published for the latest development state. If some tests fails with libbash master branch, please checkout on the next-release branch of libbash.sh


  1. Clone testbash project: https://github.com/pruje/testbash.git
  2. Clone libbash.sh project: https://github.com/pruje/libbash.sh.git
  3. Create a subdirectory named tests/ into testbash and clone this repository into it, or create symlinks that points to this repository (or subfolders, if you want to test only core or GUI functions)
  4. Go into the testbash directory and run the following command:
./testbash.sh -l /path/to/libbash/libbash.sh /path/to/libbash/libbash_gui.sh

See testbash documentation for more informations.


libbash.sh tests are licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md for the full license text.


Author: Jean Prunneaux https://jean.prunneaux.com