
Beets plugin to sync lastfm playdate with beets for smartplaylist fun

Primary LanguagePython


Beets plugin to sync playdate from lastfm with local library.

A Note

I am in no way a programmer, at best, I am a googler and cut and paster, so, expect bad code and worse logic.

This is a work-in-progress plugin for Beets that will pull a list of your recently played tracks from lastfm and then tries to update a played date field last_played (as used by the mpdstats plugin) in beets with the played time of each of the tracks. If the played date is newer than the current one (or it doesnt exist) for each track, it will also increment the playcount. All this is to make the smartplaylist plugin more useful, so you can create smartplaylists based on how long ago a track was last played.

Eventually I plan to build this out into its own program to manage and create smartplaylists, including a music catagorisation tool that suggests songs that are similiar based on audio characteristics. But that is a while off.


You need to add lastupdate to your plugins list in beets' config.yaml and then also add a new lastupdate section:



To use run beet lastupdate (python3 only at this stage). The idea is you run this regularly (nightly) to keep your beets database in sync with your playcounts.

To Do

I wrote this primarily to make the smartplaylist plugin more useful, but I suspect it wont work very well with the last_played field as it has no way of comparing that against the time when the playlists are updated. So I'll likely need to modify that plugin so this new field is useful.

UPDATE, it actually seems to somehow work already, using python3 /usr/local/bin/beet list last_played:-2d.. beets successfully pulls back tracks I played yesterday that had their last_played date updated by this plugin. It might be luck, but I assume this can now be used for smartplaylists. Need to test more.

Current Status

2021-02-14 Born on valentines day, love at first site. Currently, all this plugin does is get your last 200 played tracks and splits out the timestamp, artist and title into rows - but thats a start!

2021-02-14 Well, its later on and after some Valentines day chocolate, I've actually got a working plugin. Its ugly as sin as the commit says, but it works with new plays and then doesn't overright when run again. It's really kinda neat.

2021-02-15 First attempt at adding in feature to sync loved tracks with beets, by rating each track as a 1 in beets using ratings tag

2022-01-17 Added in extra verboseness to deal with crashes when strange artist / titles are returned by last.fm - allows the plugin to continue even if the artist / tracks can't be split out.